
What is GoIA.rv?

 Answer: It is the world's first...

...and only full service online gallery for prison artists everywhere.

After a 5-year proof of concept period, and 10 years experience in the prison art sector, we've changed our Mission, Vision, and Values statements to better reflect our focus.


The Gallery Of Imprisoned Artists (GoIA) gives imprisoned peoples everywhere a safe and lasting place to archive their work, while simultaneously expanding their digital footprint and offerings on the Internet for all the world to see, own, enjoy. 


GoIA believes that all imprisoned artists have a voice--an inalienable right to be heard by those poised to listen. We strive daily then to bring a level of service to our artists, their friends, family, and supporters that will aid us in helping them to reach their viewers and perspective audiences. That ongoing effort, to inject into the mainstream conversation the subject of prison art and the voices behind it, is but a small part of the vision we use to see our way ahead.


We insist that our artists' best chances at bringing their work to the free world rests, initially, on the efforts of their greatest and most loyal fans: their friends, their family, and their supporters.  We thus resolve to travel the outermost ends of the customer service spectrum in meeting the expectations and goals of GOIA artists and those working to promote this valuable work.


Meet the Team

Michael CEO. Founder. Owner

Michael CEO. Founder. Owner

"I am humbled...

...daily by this hard-won opportunity to give a voice to imprisoned peoples everywhere. Though I can barely manage a convincing stick figure, I know what it is like to be silenced by the crushing weight of incarceration. Every piece of art released onto the internet makes my heart swell with gratitude for the efforts of all those who put the work in to make it possible for the free world to experiece.

I just want to give credit to all - big and small, and in no particular order - those who make this cherished work possible:

Have you seen our awesome listing... 

...and carousel selection mechanism made for PrisonArtWear.com? It didn't cost a penny but gives us a look that invites visitors to click. Thank you Google!

by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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