
You asked and today we've answered. Welcome to PrisonArtWear.com's first blog...we call it the "PAW Blog".

2 Jun 2020
New for June, adopting PrisonArtWear.com as our controlling name.

New for June, adopting PrisonArtWear.com as our controlling name.

A new old name

Since 2015, PrisonArtWare.com has been known by that very name. We chose it because the original intent was to market prison art on everything from apparel to iPhone cases, shower curtains and more. 

Our 5th year, however, brought a change mission that took our focus away from marketing, and onto helping our artists expand their digital footprint on the internet.

New perspectives deserve a new look. While we've owned PrisonArtWear.com since September of 2018, it's sat in the background as a way to direct visitors who might spell "ware" as "wear" (we acquired PrisonArtWhere.com for the same reason).

Beginning today, we will be known as PrisonArtWear.com. We feel it fits our purpose a little better, and removes the periodic doubt that might come when people don't recognize the word "ware" because it is a word not used every day.

Welcome then to PrisonArtWear.com! We're glad you're here.

3 Dec 2019

"I'm Intern Mandy. Hi"

Of course I gotta be the first...

...to post on the company's blog. I'm always the "designated tester" for PAW stuff. 

No worries, so today I'm going through Michael Draven's cloud account and see that it's been a while since I've heard from him. We largely communicated through the federal prison email service called Corrlinks, but have moved away from it for myriad reasons. So in looking at his online portfolio, I see that I need to arrange his work into collections as redbubble asked in October. 

"A Cold Morning" by Michael Draven

As you can see, Michael is a gifted photographer. He has nearly a thousand images in his account. He's actually the only artist in the company that does not do art in prison, but uses art from his "free life" to make the money he needs to live. 

Check back soon to see what I've done to Michael's portfolio. Thx for reading. 

20 Jul 2019

It's coming along. 

Today we spent some "should-be-out-drinking" time on the P.A.W. website, and got some things hammered out. Version 2 of the SimDif platform has been challenging, doubly so for us because we use it in a manner they'd not considered when designing it. 

It's coming along though and we appreciate your being here.

PrisonArtWare management 

3 May 2019
Source: Quora.com

Source: Quora.com

A Quora user...

...who is extremely active in both collectimg and investing in prison art, has been continually driving traffic to the PrisonArtWare site, detailing his purchases and intersts relating to the site and our artists. Two weeks ago he told us about a heartfelt exchange between himself and another "Quoran", and he obtained permission from that person to allow us ti publish their kind words:

by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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