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Nathaniel Rush

Nathaniel Rush

Click here to visit my online portfolio. Or if you like my work and want to own it on any of over 70 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), click here to visit my online shop.

PrisonArtWare.com offers its artists the unprecedented opportunity to own a place of their own online; a virtual gallery, personal space, and retail venue we call a "Featured Artist Page". Click here to view Nathaniel's generic Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space.

Click here to visit my online portfolio. Or if you like my work and want to own it on any of over 70 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), click here to visit my online shop.

PrisonArtWare.com offers its Legacy Artists the unprecedented opportunity to own a place of their own online; a virtual gallery, personal space, and retail venue we call a "Featured Artist Page". Click here to view David's generic Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space.

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Hello I'm Oscar Parras "Master Chief" . First of all a big thanks for taking the time to see some of my images and read about my work. In the free world, I was an automotive custom painter for over 25 years. While incarcerated, I've become a self-taught artist.

I first started with doing greeting cards "for a soup". Yes I worked for food. With time, it became a love, and I saw it as a way to get out of these walls. 

As Texas prisoners we do not get paid, so thanks to PrisonArtWare.com for allowing me to post some of my custom work. 

The "Hunger for Knowledge" was commissioned as encouragement for a teacher's classroom. "Stand Firm" was commissioned for a prison newsletter in British Columbia to keep its readership from giving up.

For the last 9 years I've worked so hard to get my artwork shown outside these walls. I know that PrisonArtWare.com is for real, and I look forward to selling my art and having my viewers submit their requests for custom work. 

If my work is not for you, please continue supporting PrisonArtWare.com for all they do for us on the inside. Requests for custom work can be directed through my rep, Intern Zachary at: internzachary@prisonartware.com

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Finish rb profile

My name is Percy Oliver, AKA P-lee. I'm from New Orleans Louisiana and I'm 34 years old. I have been incarcerated for 14 years now. I started drawing when I was 8 years old, and got into tattooing when I was 15. My goal is to put 15 drawings per month out there on the internet, with the goal is selling 8 out of 15 monthly. I go home in 2024, so my goal is to raise $4,500 so I can buy my own tattoo equipment to start my own shop. I would be so grateful to have help and a "hand up" with my artwork and support in reaching my goal. 

Click here to visit my online portfolio. Or if you like my work and want to own it on any of over 70 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), click here to visit my online shop.

PrisonArtWare.com offers its Legacy Artists the unprecedented opportunity to own a place of their own online; it's a virtual gallery, personal space and retail venue we call a Featured Artist Page. Click here to view Percy's generic Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space. 

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We haven't yet heard from prison artists names begin with the letter "Q". If you have some in mind, we'll waive our standard Prison Art Listing and Archival Service of $129.95. Simply email us their information at:

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Covid-19 Warning: Wear a face mask and slow the spread. Wear one emblazoned with my work, and spread smiles instead. Click here to check it out.

I'm R.Zumar, a self taught artist from Petersburg Virginia in the VADOC. I taught myself how to sketch in 2013 and started studying color in 2018. Creating art is more than a past time or a hobby to me, it has become a way of life. A different lens in which I see the world and all the beauty within it. My ambition is to one day become a master artist. I'm not there quite yet, I know I have much to learn and ways to grow, but for now keep your eyes open in The Becomings of a Master.

Click here to view my online portfolio where you can purchase my work on over 100 products, from apparel to furniture and more.

Did you know that you can purchase my original work and limited prints at my Featured Artist Page? Click here to check it out, or visit me at RZumar.com

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by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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